Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My iq is 138.is it discouraging?how is a being classified near an iq of such a extent?

My iq is 138.is it discouraging?how is a being classified near an iq of such a extent?
I have to agree that judge by the way you constructed your cross-question that your IQ is somewhat less than 138. However, if your evaluation is accurate, you already know the range you'd slop into and you just want your ego stroked. But I seriously doubt that you really are within the gifted field.
Based on the way you wrote your quiz, I'm guessing the IQ test be wrong. You seem more within the range of 70-90.
An IQ of 138 is above average, but is solitary valid if conducted bye a qualified professional. There are countless internet iq tests that method absolutely nil, other than the amount of free time that you hold to dedicate to such test. Even the tests administered by professionals lone measure in no doubt aspects of intelligence and should be taken with a unbelievably very immense grain of saline.
An IQ of 138 is quite devout.
The average is anywhere from 96 to 110 or so.
Some say 85 to 100.
But, 138 is substantial.
it is not a wonder, but quite bright.
Not intent to burst your bubble, .
The IQ tests merely measure indubitable types of intelligence.
There are many factor that are not taken into consideration.
However, all within all, a evaluation of 138 on an IQ test shows that you are fairly intelligent and able to comprehend heaps things.
Understand your gifts and use them for good purposes.
And, yes, intelligence is a endowment.
Even though the last sentence does nouns like it come from a super hero movie.
125-100 is average below 100 is dumb and above 125 is smart

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