Saturday, October 23, 2010

My elder brother going alcholism treatment surrounded by a rehab focal point.what symptoms can get me twig he is in a minute ok

brother was below the influence of alcohal and was hallucinating voice and images. he after sank into a cavernous depression and was finally diagnosed near Psycotic depression...He is undergoing "Art of Living" training surrounded by a rehablitation centre's be almost 5 months now but when we group him we are not able to find properly if he is cured or not..and so we do as the doctors say (which could be that they keep hold of him for another 5 month to make money).are nearby any particular lifestyle to judge if the party is totally cured ?My elder brother going alcholism treatment surrounded by a rehab focal point.what symptoms can get me twig he is in a minute ok
Alcoholics are never truly cured. When you see him willfully resisting the urge to drink, when he doesn't manipulate and hold advantage of others...he's as far along as most individuals ever get.
yeah close to the person above said. you cant report by talking to him. but him individual diagnosed with psychotic depression is the key issue. i've known citizens.. and been terrifically drunk myself before.. and never hear of anyone ever hallucinating voices and descriptions from just alcohol. that be prob from some mental problem, or he might have taken something more than alcohol. purely talk to him and consent to him know your there for him when you travel see him. alcoholism isn't making him depressed and making him act strange while hes surrounded by rehab, thats something else

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