Saturday, October 23, 2010

Medication abet..?

I took today.. 300mg wellbutrin XL and 10mg of paxil does that seem plentifully? I am having really unexpected side effects.. please help.. vigorousMedication abet..?
Presumably those are the dosages your doctor advised you to clutch?
Either way, if you don't grain well, hail as your doctor for advice.
Sometimes when you alter the dosage of a medication it take time for the body to adjust, then it settles down.
But to be on the not detrimental side, query it beside your prescribing doctor.
If your doctor did not tell you to run these medicines together, or those dosages, next you shouldn't be doing it!
please call your doctor. NOW.
obtain off the paxil in a minute,
new studies found that paxil have some thing within it to make you hold suicidal thoughts and might hurt you more then comfort you.
Please Call your prescribing Doctor NOW! Tell them what the side affects are. Do not go rotten any medication on your own. They can give you the best support on what to do.
You do not describe your side affects so it's hard to influence if these are normal things that might surpass with time. If nought the pharmacy and ask them first. If it's particularly bad stir to the ER.
Why r u taking 2 antidepressants? Sounds borderline high to me!! Be guarded!!
call your dr, u should not be on both,

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